Please call for more information, but generally for a child attending a normal length of day (4-10 hours) the fees are as follows:

Preschool Care

– $20.80/day*
– plus an additional snack fee of $10.00/billing period (parents can opt out and bring their own)
          •Pandemic/COVID-19: parents are to provide children’s snacks and fees will not be charged 
until the center resumes serving snack 
          •Two healthy snacks are required daily, we request that they are appropriately labelled

School-age *Prairie Nature Children’s Centre Inc. requires 2 periods

– $8.60/day on a school day & $20.80/day* for a non-school day
– plus an additional snack fee of $10.00/billing period
        •Pandemic/COVID-19: parents are to provide children’s snacks and fees will not be charged 
until the center resumes serving snack 
        •Two healthy snacks are required daily, we request that they are appropriately labelled
*fees do change to $31.20 for children attending longer than 10 hours/day
You will find the fees at Prairie Nature Children’s Centre very similar to other programs because in Manitoba the Provincial government regulates the maximum fees we are allowed to charge, with only a few programs exempt from this regulation.


Snack Fee

- The fee for snacks will be $0.50/day per child. The snack fee charge will show as an additional fee on your invoice for each billing period ($10/child)

  • Parents can opt out-see above

Sunscreen and Repellant Fee

- There will be a $15.00 fee per family in June to cover the cost of sunscreen/ bug spray.

  • Can opt out-in which case you must provide your own

Field Trip Fee (summer programming)

- $20=school age/child for summer to help offset the cost of field trips
- $10= preschool/child for summer to help offset the cost of field trips
This fee will show on your invoice in June

  • Parents can opt out- speak to the Executive Director or Assistant Director with any concerns.
  • Children age 2 and children that aren’t toilet trained don’t participate in field trips since we may not have access to appropriate facilities, the children participate in activities at the centre-no charge to those families